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Week 10 - Solution evaluation

Updated: Jan 20, 2020

We are preparing for an important presentation at Microsoft, where we are expected to present a complete solution for our user's need to fall asleep.

Over the past week we have given up some of the ideas we thought about earlier, many new ideas have been rased, and we have tried to be as accurate as possible in how we want to help our potential users fall asleep.

We realized that we wanted our product to be empathic and not just functional, so we decided to call it "Sleepy - Your Sleeping Buddy". We set the MVP of the product and decided that it will be a respiratory biofeedback lamp, that instructs the user to let go of the intrusive thoughts and leads him to fall asleep.

When we told the course lecturers about our future product, they thought there is not a lot of differentiation between our solution to other products on the market, and that maybe we should focus on touch interaction. However, we have decided that we fully, eagerly, believe in our vision and that we want to continue to develop it.

Our product, unlike the other products in the market, adjusts itself to the user, It teaches him how to breathe according to his own body, and does not constrict to some certain position of breathing rhythm. Unlike other products, "Sleepy" is actually a sleeping buddy. We believe "Sleepy" is innovative, and can actually make a difference. We've worked hard, and we can back every word with research, as well as knowing that it is technologically possible.

At the rehearsal we had for the presentation at Microsoft, we were able to convince the course lecturers that we are in the right direction. We received feedback and now we feel ready. It's showtime - good luck to us :)

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