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Week 6- Ideation

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

This week's class started with a brief lecture by Dana Gordon & Inbal Gil about ideation. Ideation means to explore a wide variety of possible solutions through generating a large quantity of diverse possible solutions, allowing you to step beyond the obvious and explore a range of ideas.

Our first exercise was a brainstorm exercise. By using a lot of sticky notes and trying to think of all possible ideas including wild ideas we tried to think what are the possible solutions to solve our user's need.

Next was a storyboard & time-line exercise. A storyboard is a brainstorming technique that involves developing a visual story related to a problem. It helps to explore the problem in depth and come up with potential solutions through bringing the narrative to life.

We decided to start the timeline at 17:00 which is approximately the time that our users are on their way home from work and ended the timeline around 00:00 when our users decide to get in bed in order to hopefully fall asleep.

The final exercise was body storming. Body storming is a technique of physically experiencing a situation to derive new ideas. It requires setting up an experience (with necessary artefacts, space and people) and physically “testing” it.

In the following weeks we will try to look for the right solution to solve our user's need.

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